CAR conducted archaeological testing and monitoring around Mission San Juan de Capistrano for the stabilization of the church in 2011 and 2012. Over 10,000 artifacts were found during excavation. For more information, see Archaeological Investigations Associated with Mission San Juan (41BX5) Church Underpinning, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 429 by Kristi Miller Nichols, Cynthia M. Munoz, Lynn K. Wack, Lori Barkwill Love, Steve A. Tomka, Mark P. Luzmoor, and Raymond P. Mauldin, Volume I and Volume II

CAR continued to participate in projects in downtown San Antonio and at the missions, including:
- Archaeological Investigations and Construction Monitoring at the Bexar County Justice Center Expansion Project, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 392 by Antonia L. Figueroa
- Archaeological Investigations at the Spanish Governor's Palace, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 410 by Kristi M. Ulrich
- Intensive Pedestrian Survey and Construction Monitoring along a Portion of Trail 11 in Brackenridge Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 416 by Kristi Miller Ulrich, Jennifer L. Thompson, Steve Ahr, and Justin Blomquist
- Archaeological Investigations at the Christopher Columbus Italian Society Property and Columbus Park: 41BX1968, the Possible First Site of Mission San Antonio de Valero, Archaeological Report, No. 432 by Kristi Miller Nichols
- Archaeological Investigations of the Alamo Dam and Upper Labor Dam, Brackenridge Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 444 by Clinton M.M. McKenzie
- Archaeological Monitoring and Test Excavations at the 1722 Presidio San Antonio de Bexar (Plaza de Armas Buildings), San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 445 by Clinton McKenzie, Lindy Martinez, and Raymond Mauldin
- Archaeological Monitoring and Testing Associated with the Restoration at Mission Francisco de la Espada (41BX4), San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 448 by Antonia L. Figueroa and Leonard Kemp
- Archaeological Monitoring and Limited Testing for Recent Development in Hemisfair Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 456 by Jose E. Zapata, Antonia L. Figueroa, C. Stephen Smith, and Clinton M.M. McKenzie
An archaeological investigation was done in 2014 in San Pedro Springs Park in San Antonio prior to renovations. Read about the findings and excavations in Archaeological Investigations within San Pedro Springs Park (41BX19), San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 443 by Raymond Mauldin, Stephen Smith, Sarah Wigley, Antonia Figueroa, and Clinton McKenzie. A 19th century topographic survey of the park by E.G. Trueheart was georeferenced into GIS by CAR staff, digitized, and 2D and 3D representations of the map were made.
 | projects around Texas, including:
- An Intensive Pedestrian Archaeological Survey of a 117-acre Park in Kendall County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 411 by Cynthia Moore Munoz
- National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Testing of 41WN120 at the Helton San Antonio River Nature Park in Wilson County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 418 by Cynthia M. Munoz
- Archaeological Testing and Data Recovery at the Flatrock Road Site, 41KM69, Kimble County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 419 by Jennifer L. Thompson, Raymond P. Mauldin, Steve A. Tomka and Eric Oksanen
- Excavation of Prehistoric Human Remains from 41ZP144 in San Ygnacio, Zapata County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 428 by Cynthia Moore Munoz
- An Intensive Archaeological Investigation of the Dunn-Meaney Property in Corpus Christi, Nueces County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 454 by Sarah Wigley and Jason Perez
- Test Excavations at the Old Rock Store (41MC827), Tilden, McMullen County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 461 by Jose Zapata and Sarah Wigley
CAR conducted an archaeological investigation at the Hockley Cemetery, a historic African American cemetery in northeast San Antonio in 2018-2019. The cemetery has now been designated as a cultural historic district by the City of San Antonio. For more information, see Investigation of the Hockley Cemetery, 41BX911, an African American Family of the Wetmore Community in Northeast San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 473 by Clinton M.M. McKenzie with contributions by Everett L. Fly
...and for the Texas National Guard:
- A Cultural Resource Inventory of 550 Previously Surveyed Acres on Camp Swift, Bastrop County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 423 by Cynthia M. Munoz
- Archaeological Phase I Testing of 41BP854 at the Texas Army National Guard's Camp Swift Training Facility in Bastrop County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 431 by Cynthia Moore Munoz
- National Register Eligibility Testing of Eight Sites on Camp Swift, Bastrop County, Texas, Archaeological Report, No. 436 by Raymond P. Mauldin, Cynthia Moore Munoz, and Leonard Kemp
- Cultural Resource Management of Eligible Archaeological Sites on Texas Military Forces Facilities Using a Photopoint Monitoring System, Archaeological Report, No. 437 by Cynthia Moore Munoz
In the 2010s, CAR was involved with or published on 17 Texas counties and Louisiana.
