
COLFA Internship Process

Internships are an essential component of a student's college education.

COLFA believes that internships are an essential component of a student’s college education. Internships allow students to obtain work experience, gain knowledge of key operations, explore a chosen career path, improve teamwork and communications skills, and increase marketability and value to employers. View the steps below to learn more about the process! 

*PLEASE NOTE: Students pursuing internships for Academic Credit (3 or 6 credit courses) are required to submit forms for processing and registration NO LATER THAN the last day to add a class for a given semester. Late forms will not be accepted.

View our Frequently Asked Questions below.

I Want an Internship

Internships are an essential part of your college education! You’ve made the right choice to search for this valuable experience. 

I Have an Internship

Congratulations on your internship! If you’re here, that means you have confirmation that you were hired by a business or organization who will host you as a student intern over a semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer). 

If you’re seeking credit for an internship, there are two options for you: 

  • Option 1: Complete the internship without course credit and add it to the Experiential Transcript along with other eligible experiences. This option does not require tuition and the internship will not count toward your degree or electives. 
  • Option 2: Complete the internship for academic credit (usually 3-credits). The class credits may apply to your degree requirements. Please note: As with any course at UTSA, there is tuition required for internships completed for academic credit. 

  • STEP 1: Confirm Academic Eligibility 
    • To confirm you meet prerequisite requirements for a credit-based internship, check the catalog of your major. You may also meet with your academic advisor to verify eligibility for a for-credit internship. If you do not meet requirements for a for-credit internship, you may choose to complete the internship for professional experience (non-credit).
  • STEP 2: Complete the COLFA Student Internship Application Form 
  • STEP 3: Send your employer the COLFA Employer Partner Form 
      • If you are seeking academic credit for your internship, please have your employer complete the COLFA Employer Partner Form
      • NOTE: This form should NOT be completed by you as a student. It is intended to be completed by your internship site as part of the confirmation process for your internship review.
  • STEP 4: COLFA Student Success Center reviews your information 
      • Once all information is complete, a member from the COLFA Student Success Center will review your information and notify you and the academic department that you are eligible for evaluation and potentially registration. Confirm with your Academic Advisor if you have questions about how an internship course will fit into your degree plan.


Read through our information related to internships. If you do not see what you need:

  1. If your questions are about your degree, email your Academic Advisor.
  2. If your questions are about what tasks and responsibilities might count for your internship, email your department's internship coordinator or Undergraduate or Graduate Advisor of Record.
  3. If your questions are about the forms and processing, email colfa.internship@utsa.edu.

What is an internship? 

Internships are types of jobs connected to a company or organization that is willing to trade on-the-job training for low-cost project support in the form of student interns. An internship is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skills development in a professional setting. (NACE) 


What takes place in an internship class? 

As you can imagine, most of the requirements of an internship course will take place at your internship site during the hours you work. Your academic department may require reflections, time sheets, and other confirmations as part of your degree's course requirements. 


I need an internship! Can you help? 

COLFA Student Success Center has Peer Educators who can guide you through internship exploration. The Center also offers workshops on finding internships and strategies to make the best impression. The University Career Center offers support through appointments and programs like VMock to ensure your resume is application ready. We do not offer direct internship placement. 


Do you offer one-on-one internship support? 

Our Peer Educators can offer preliminary support and ideas on how to search for internships. If you would like professional guidance on career support in a one-on-one format, we encourage you to reach out the University Career Center and set up an appointment. Their appointments are set through Handshake.  


My major is not in COLFA, but I have an internship in my COLFA minor. Do I follow the same steps? 

Yes! Follow the steps in our I have an Internship section and complete the required form(s). 


When does internship form processing take place? 

Internship forms are processed during the registration window – from when registration begins to the last day to add a class through your MyUTSA account.  

I’ve been hired as an intern! What now? 

Congratulations! This marks an important step in your continued professional development. Your next step is to complete the Academic Credit form in Step 2 and have your supervisor complete the Employer Partner form in Step 3. 


I tried to register for an internship course and was unable. Why? 

Internship courses require departmental approval and an override to be set in the system. Approval for internships in COLFA is done with the completed paperwork in the I Have an Internship section of the internship website. 


Do internship classes fill up due to registration like other classes? 

No. Internship courses are at the discretion of the department. They do not have the same capacity restrictions as regular classes. 


When does internship form processing take place? 

Internship forms are processed during the registration window – from when registration begins to the last day to add a class through your MyUTSA account.  


What is the deadline for submitting internship paperwork for registration? 

Students pursuing internships for Academic Credit (3 or 6 credit courses) are required to submit forms for processing and registration NO LATER THAN the last day to add a class in ASAP for a given semester. Late forms will not be accepted. 


All the paperwork is submitted. Now what? 

Once your forms are submitted, they are evaluated for accuracy and confirmation from the employer/internship site. If all information on your forms is correct, they are sent to the department of your internship discipline for approval. You will be included in all email correspondence from COLFA.Internship@utsa.edu related to registration. Processing takes 2-3 weeks. 


How long does it take to process forms once they are submitted? 

Times vary. Prior to the start of the semester, it may take 2-3 weeks. As the deadline gets closer, processing times are shorter. 


 I completed an internship last semester. Can I take the internship course this semester?

No. Like any other course at UTSA, you may not receive a grade for a class in a semester in which you do not do the work. Academic Credit requires reflections and other components that coincide with the contact hours of your internship. You must complete the required 150 hours within the scope of the semester of registration.

Did you know UTSA has an Experiential Transcript for students who wish to show their experiences outside the classroom? Learn more on the Career-Engaged Learning webpage.

Can an internship count in my degree? 

Potentially. Academic Advisors can help you determine how an internship will fit with other requirements of your degree. NOTE: Advisors cannot approve internships for registration. They only let you know what it means for your progress to degree/graduation.  


How do I make sure my internship qualifies for academic credit? 

  1. Check the University Catalog (undergraduate and graduate) for basic eligibility. 

  2. Check with your department internship coordinator or appropriate faculty to find out what kind of tasks and hours are needed in your internship.

  3. Submit the paperwork. There is no guarantee, prior to evaluation from the department, whether your internship will count for academic credit. 


Do I pay tuition for an internship course that applies to my degree or as an elective? 

Yes. Although internships are often unpaid, any course that applies to your degree will require tuition according to the credit hour of that course. 


What takes place in an internship class?

As you can imagine, most of the requirements of an internship course will take place at your internship site through the hours you work. Your academic department may require reflections, time sheets, and other confirmations as part of the course requirements.


Do I receive a grade for the internship course?

Possibly. Each department in the College of Liberal and Fine Arts (COLFA) independently determines whether you get a grade (A, B, C, etc.) or receive Credit / No Credit (CR/NC) for the course. Speak to your department or faculty to determine which is used in your major or minor area.