The Alamodome project was a large project undertaken by CAR in the early 1990s. 65 acres (a 17 block area) in downtown San Antonio were to be razed for the construction of the Alamodome and its associated access and parking. The CAR did intensive archival and historical research on the area, including oral histories from residents and businesses and excavations. The results of these investigations were published in Archaeology at the Alamodome: Investigations of a San Antonio Neighborhood in Transition, edited by Anne A. Fox, Marcie Renner, and Robert J. Hard, Volume I: Historical, Architectural, and Oral History Research, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 236; Volume II: Excavations and Artifact Distribution Analysis, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 237; and Volume III: Artifact and Special Studies, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 238.

Demolition at the site of the Alamodome construction in 1990.

The Southern Pacific Railroad Station, west facade in 1990 before Alamodome construction.
CAR participated in numerous projects in downtown San Antonio, including:
- Archaeological Investigations at the Ruiz Family Property (41BX795), San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 198 by Herbert G. Uecker, Frances K. Meskill, and I. Waynne Cox
- Archaeological Monitoring for the Tri-Party Improvements Project, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 204 by I. Waynne Cox
- Archaeological Investigations in Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, 1988 and 1989, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 205 by Anne A. Fox with contributions by Susan W. Dial, Samuel Nesmith, and Herbert G. Uecker
- Exhumation of a Hero, Colonel Ben Milam, Milam Park Renovation Phase I, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 223 by Cynthia L. Tennis with contributions by Douglas W. Owsley, Karin L. Sandness, and Barbara A. Winkler
- Archaeological and Historical Investigations at the Alamo North Wall, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 224 by James E. Ivey and Anne A. Fox with contributions by David M. Glassman, Robert F. Scott IV, and D. Gentry Steele
- An Archaeological Assessment of the Drainage Improvement Area on the Northeast Side of Alamo Hall, and Home of Former Mayor Wilhelm Thielepape (41BX507), San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 244 by David L. Nickels
- The Alamo Restoration and Conservation Project: Excavations at the South Transept, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 245 by Barbara A. Meissner with a contribution by Paul Goldberg
- Test Excavations at the Spanish Governor's Palace, San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 259 by Anne A. Fox with a contribution by Barbara A. Meissner
- Historical and Archaeological Investigations at the Site of Rivercenter Mall (Las Tiendas), San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 270 edited by Anne A. Fox and Marcie Renner with contributions by I. Waynne Cox, Kevin J. Gross, William L. McClure, and Cynthia L. Tennis
In 1994, CAR began the Legacy: Hands on the past program, with a goal of educating the public about archaeology, especially the K-12 community. CAR also participates in community events, and continues to provide tours and summer camps.
 | the San Antonio missions:
- Archaeological Testing Within the Southeast Corner of the Plaza at Mission Espada, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 208 by Frances K. Meskill
- Archaeological Investigation to Locate the Northwest Corner of Mission Concepcion San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 212 by Anne A. Fox
- Test Excavations at Mission Concepcion Courtyard, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 214 by Marty Krueger and Frances Meskill
- Excavations at Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo, San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 218 by Robert J. Hard, Anne A. Fox, I. Waynne Cox, Kevin J. Gross, Barbara A. Meissner, Guillermo J. Mendez, Cynthia L. Tennis and Jose E. Zapata
- Archaeological Investigations within the Church Sacristy at Mission San Jose (41BX3), San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 242 by David L. Nickels and Anne A. Fox with contributions by Al B. Wesolowsky and James E. Ivey
- Investigations of the Southeast Gateway at Mission San Jose, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 252 by Cynthia L. Tennis with contributions by Johanna Hunziker and Barbara A. Meissner
- Archaeological Testing of the New Plaza at Mission San Francisco de la Espada (41BX4), San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 262 by Kevin J. Gross with a contribution by Johanna M. Hunziker
- Archaeological Investigation of the Gristmill at Mission San Jose y San Miguel de Aguayo, San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report No. 272 by Andrew J. Scease and Kevin J. Gross
- Mission San Jose Indian Quarters Wall Base Project, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 278 by Steve A. Tomka and Anne A. Fox with contributions by Christopher E. Horrell, Barbara A. Meissner, and Ricky Robinson
...concerning the San Antonio Acequia System:
- Testing of the San Jose Acequia, San Antonio Missions National Park, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 207 by Anne A. Fox and I. Waynne Cox
- Excavation of a Portion of the San Pedro Acequia (41BX337) VIA Metropolitan Transit System Parking Lot, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 219 by I. Waynne Cox
- Documentation of the San Pedro Acequia (41BX337) at Trevino Street, San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 230 by I. Waynne Cox
- Excavation of the San Pedro Acequia on the Grounds of the San Antonio Housing Authority, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 243 by David L. Nickels, I. Waynne Cox, and Connie Gibson with contributions by Barbara A. Meissner and Barbara M. Winsborough
- An Archaeological Assessment of the Alazan Acequia (41BX620) in the Five Points Area of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 253 by David L. Nickels and I. Waynne Cox
- Excavations for the Upper Labor Dam Site, Brackenridge Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 268 by I. Waynne Cox, Edgar D. Johnson, and C. Britt Bousman
In 1998 and 1999, CAR conducted investigations at Mission Nuestra Senora del Refugio in southern Texas, the last Spanish Colonial mission established on the Texas frontier at the end of the 18th century. On the right, CAR archaeologist, Jose Zapata is seen excavating (photograph from the Corpus Christi Caller Times, 20 August 1998). Findings include the discovery of the original church location in 1796 and associated mission features, as well as the discovery of the campo santo (cemetery). Read more in Archaeological investigations at the last Spanish Colonial mission established on the Texas frontier: Nuestra Senora del Refugio (41RF1), Refugio County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 315, Volume I and Volume II
In the 1990s, CAR was involved with or published on projects in 16 Texas counties and Mexico.
