choke-canyon.jpgCAR continued working at the site of the proposed Choke Canyon Reservoir in Live Oak and McMullen counties in the early 1980s. This was the largest project ever worked in southern Texas and CAR coordinated the involvement of many Texas universities. Over 300 archaeological sites were discovered.

CAR published 12 volumes of research on these investigations, including:

Historic Indian Groups of the Choke Canyon Reservoir and Surrounding Area, Southern Texas, by T.N. Campbell and T.J. Campbell, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 1

Historical Resources of the Choke Canyon Reservoir Area in McMullen and Live Oak Counties, Texas by Dianna Everett and Historical Archaeological Resources of the Choke Canyon Reservoir Area in McMullen and Live Oak Counties, Texas by Philip A. Bandy, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 2

An Archaeological Survey of a Portion of the Choke Canyon Reservoir Area in McMullen and Live Oak Counties, Texas by Alston V. Thoms, John L. Montgomery, and Alice W. Portnoy, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 3

The 1979 Archaeological Survey of Portions of the Choke Canyon Reservoir in Live Oak and McMullen Counties, Texas by Erwin Roemer, Jr., Choke Canyon Series: Volume 4

Archaeological Investigations at Choke Canyon Reservoir, South Texas: The Phase I Findings by Grant D. Hall, Stephen L. Black, and Carol Graves, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 5

Archaeological Testing and Collecting at Choke Canyon Reservoir, Nueces River Project, Texas by Carol S. Weed and Harry J. Shafer, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 6

Excavations at 41LK67, A Prehistoric Site in the Choke Canyon Reservoir, South Texas by Kenneth M. Brown, Daniel R. Potter, Grant D. Hall, and Stephen L. Black with an appendix by C.K. Chandler, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 7

Excavations at Site 41LK31/32 and 41LK202 in the Choke Canyon Reservoir, South Texas, Part I: Prehistoric Investigations by Robert F. Scott IV and Part II: Historic Investigations by Daniel E. Fox, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 8

A Study of Five Historic Cemeteries at Choke Canyon Reservoir, Live Oak and McMullen Counties, Texas by Anne A. Fox, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 9

The Prehistoric Sites at Choke Canyon Reservoir, Southern Texas: Results of Phase II Archaeological Investigations by Grant D. Hall, Thomas R. Hester, and Stephen L. Black, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 10

Archaeological Investigations at 41LK201, Choke Canyon Reservoir, Southern Texas by Cheryl Lynn Highley, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 11

Archaeological Investigations at Historic Sites in the Choke Canyon Reservoir, Southern Texas by Anne A. Fox, Choke Canyon Series: Volume 12

During 1979-1980, the Olmos Dam site, 41BX1, was investigated by CAR archaeologists. The site is located just north of downtown San Antonio along Olmos Creek and near the headwaters of the San Antonio River, and shows a long-term occupation in the Archaic period. More on this site can be found in Archaeological Testing in the Devine Road Area North of Olmos Dam, San Antonio, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 53, and Archaeological Investigations at 41BX1, Bexar County, Texas, Archaeological Survey Report, No. 135, as well as on our sponsored projects page, The Olmos Dam Project.


CAR participated in numerous projects in downtown San Antonio, including: the San Antonio missions: Rancho de las Cabras: southern Texas:

CAR continued to publish Lithic Technology, a leading peer-reviewed publication for the study and research of stone tools and production until 1988.


In the 1980s, CAR was involved with or published on projects in 41 Texas counties, Louisiana, Mexico, and Belize.

