Curation Services
Research Scientist Associate IV
Cynthia Munoz joined the Center for Archaeological Research in 2001 and currently serves as Assistant Director, Lead Curator, Principal Investigator, Lab Director, Osteologist, and NAGPRA Coordinator. She has served as an instructor at the University of Texas San Antonio and Our Lady of the Lake University. As an archaeologist, Ms. Munoz has worked with materials from throughout Texas. Her interests include hunter-gatherer adaptations in Texas, specifically intensification, subsistence, paleoenvironment, bioarchaeology, paleodiet, paleopathology, and mortuary archaeology. She has conducted bioarchaeological research on cemetery populations located in Texas studying both pathological and stable isotopic data. She worked on a National Science Foundation grant involving collagen and carbonate extraction from leporid bones for stable carbon isotope analysis to determine paleoclimate at small spatial and temporal scales. She is currently involved with National Science Foundation grants to gather stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data, AMS radiocarbon dates, strontium ratios, and ancient DNA data from eight mortuary sites to research processes that led to the emergence of territoriality on the prehistoric Texas coastal plain.
2014 Smith, Steven, Raymond Mauldin, Cynthia M. Munoz, Robert Hard, Debajyoti Paul, Grzegorz Skrzypek, Patricio Villanueva, and Leonard Kemp.
Exploring the Use of Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios in Short-Lived Leporids for Local Paleoecological Reconstruction. Open Journal of Archaeometry: Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Archaeometry 2(5306):81-87.
2013 Mauldin, Raymond P., Robert J. Hard, Cynthia M. Munoz, Jennifer L. Rice, Kirsten Verostick, Daniel R. Potter, and Nathanael Dollar.
Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotope Analysis of Hunter-Gatherers from the Coleman Site, a Late Prehistoric Cemetery in Central Texas. Journal of Archaeological Science 40(2):1369-1381.
2013 Kemp, Leonard, Cynthia Munoz, Raymond Mauldin and Robert Hard.
Preliminary Results of the Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis of Modern and Prehistoric Leporid Remains from the Tularosa Basin. Advances in Jornada Mogollon Archaeology: Proceedings from the 17th Jornada Mogollon Conference 1:197-210.
2011 Munoz, Cynthia M., Raymond Mauldin, Debajyoti Paul, and Leonard Kemp
Paleovegetation Shifts through Stable Carbon Isotope Variability in Archaeologically Recovered Leporids. Texas Journal of Science, 63(1).
2015 Mauldin, Raymond, Stephen Smith, Sarah Wigley, Antonia Figueroa, Clinton McKenzie, Laura Carbajal, Cynthia Munoz, Barbara Meissner, Kristi Nichols, Melissa Eiring, and Robert Garcia Jr.
Archaeological Investigation within San Pedro Springs Park (41BX19), San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report, No. 443, The Center for Archaeological Research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2014 Wigley, Sarah, Cynthia Moore Munoz and Stephen Smith.
An Intensive Pedestrian Archaeological Survey in Gold Canyon Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report, No. 440. The Center for Archaeological Research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2014 Munoz, Cynthia Moore.
National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Testing of 41BX474 for the Laurens Lane Hike and Bike Connection to the Salado Creek Greenway, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report, No. 438, The Center for Archaeological Research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2014 Nichols, Kristi Miller, Cynthia M. Munoz, Lynn K. Wack, Lori Barkwill Love, Steve A. Tomka, Mark P. Luzmoor, and Raymond P. Mauldin.
Archaeological Investigations Associated with Mission San Juan (41BX5) Church Underpinning, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report No. 429, The Center for Archaeological Research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2014 Munoz, Cynthia Moore.
Cultual Resource Management of Eligible Archaeological Sites on Texas Military Forces Facilities using a Photopoint Monitoring System. Archaeological Report, No. 437, The Center for Archaeological Research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2013 Munoz, Cynthia Moore.
An Intensive Pedestrian Archaeological Survey of Laurens Lane Hike and Bike Connection at the Salado Creek Greenway, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 434, The Center for Archaeological Research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2013 Munoz, Cynthia Moore.
Excavation of Prehistoric Human Remains from 41ZP144 in San Ygnacio, Zapata County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 428, The Center for Archaeological Research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2013 Munoz, Cynthia Moore.
Archaeological Phase One Testing of 41BP854 at the Texas Army National Guard’s Camp Swift Training Facility in Bastrop County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 431, The Center for Archaeological Research. The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2012 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
A Cultural Resource Inventory of 550 Previously Surveyed Acres on Camp Swift, Bastrop County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 423. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2012 Mauldin, Raymond, Cynthia Munoz, and Kirsten Verostick
Stable Isotope Analysis and Radiocarbon Dating of Jackrabbits from LA33085. Manuscript on file, Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2011 Munoz, Cynthia M., Raymond P.Mauldin, Jennifer L. Thompson, and S. Christopher Caran
Archeological Significance Testing at 41BX17/271, the Granberg Site: A Multi-Component Site along the Salado Creek in Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 393. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Archeological Studies Program, Report No. 140. Environmental Affairs Division. Texas Department of Transportation.
2011 Munoz, Cynthia M.
National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Testing of 41WN120 at the Helton San Antonio River Nature Park in Wilson County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 418. The Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2011 Munoz, Cynthia M., Raymond Mauldin and Robert J. Hard
Stable Isotope Analysis of Human Skeletal Remains from 41HY163, with Comparative Analysis of Remains from 41HY161. In Prehistoric Life, Labor, and Residence in Southeast Central Texas: Results of Data Recovery at 41HY163, the Zatopec Site, San Marcos, Texas, edited by Jon C. Lohse. Archaeological Studies Report No. 18. Center for Archaeological Studies, Texas State University-San Marcos.
2010 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
An Intensive Pedestrian Archaeological Survey of Helton San Antonio River Nature Park in Wilson County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 414. The Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2010 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
An Intensive Pedestrian Archaeological Survey of Five Northeast Independent School District Campuses in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 413. The Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2010 Tomka, Steve A., Cynthia M. Munoz, Eric Oksanen, and Raymond P. Mauldin
Analysis of Lithic Artifacts. In Archaeological Excavation of a Deeply Buried Paleoindian Component at the Vara Daniel Site (41TV1364), Travis County, Texas, edited by D. L. Nickels, M. D. Miller, and W. N. Trierweiler. Ecological Communications Corporation, Austin, Texas.
2010 Mauldin, Raymond P., Russell D. Graves, Jennifer L. Thompson, Cynthia M. Munoz, Leonard Kemp, Barbara A. Meissner, Bruce K. Moses, and Steve A. Tomka
Archeological Testing and Data Recovery at 41ZV202, Zavala County, Texas. Archaeological Report, No. 409. Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio. Archeological Studies Program, Report No. 121. Environmental Affairs Division. Texas Department of Transportation.
2010 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
An Intensive Pedestrian Archaeological Survey of a 117-acre Park in Kendall County, Texas. Archaeological Survey Report, No. 411. The Center for Archaeological Research, The University of Texas at San Antonio.
2009 Meissner, Barbara and Cynthia M. Munoz
Archaeological Survey and Historic Background Research Conducted for the Alamo Community College District at the Former Site of Playland Park, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report No. 400, Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
2008 Kemp, Leonard, Bruce K. Moses, and Cynthia M. Munoz
An Archaeological Survey of the South Salado Creek Greenway, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report, No 381. Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
2008 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
Texas Military Forces Archaeological Site Database Protocol. Manuscript on file. Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
2008 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
An Intensive Pedestrian Archaeological Survey of the Salado Creek Greenway, Wetmore Avenue to Eisenhauer Road, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas Phase I: N. E. Loop 410 to Eisenhauer Road. Technical Report, No. 8. Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
2007 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
Human Skeletal Remains from Cayo del Oso – 41NU2. Manuscript on File. Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
2007 Munoz, Cynthia M.
Archaeological Inventory of 216 acres of Martindale Army Aviation Support Facility, San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Archaeological Report No. 373. Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
2006 Munoz, Cynthia M.
Archaeological Testing at 41BP679, Bastrop County, Texas. Archaeological Report No. 366. Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
2005 Ulrich, Kristi, M. Antonia L. Figueroa, Jennifer L .Thompson, Anne A. Fox, Johanna M. Hunziker, and Cynthia M. Munoz
Archeological Investigations at Mission Espiritu Santo (41GD1), Goliad County, Texas, Archaeological Report No. 356, Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
2022 Mauldin, Raymond, Leonard Kemp, Cynthia Munoz, Clinton McKenzie, Sarah Wigley and Jason Perez2016 Munoz, Cynthia, Leonard Kemp, Sarah Wigley, Jason Perez and Raymond Mauldin. Excavation at Black Vulture Rock Shelter (41BN207), a Late Toyah Occupation on the Edwards Plateau. Poster presented at the 87th Texas Archeological Society Meeting, Nacogdoches, Texas.
2016 Mauldin, Raymond P., Leonard Kemp, Cynthia M. Munoz, Sarah M. Wigley and Jason Perez
Excavation Results from the Black Vulture Rock Shelter (41BN207), a Late Toyah Occupaton on the Edward’s Plateau. Poster presented at the 119th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Junction, Texas.
2016 Kemp, Leonard, Cynthia M. Munoz and Kathryn Smyth
Stepping Beyond the Wow Factor: A 3D Archaeological Investigation of the Black Vulture Site, Bandera County, Texas. Poster presented at the 119th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Junction, Texas.
2015 Eiring, Melissa, Sarah Wigley, Cynthia M. Munoz, and Raymond Mauldin
10,000 Years of Tool Stone Use by Hunter-Gatherers in Central Texas. Poster presented at the 80th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, San Francisco, California.
2015 Kemp, Leonard, Cynthia Munoz, Raymond Mauldin, and Robert Hard
Archaeological Implications of Vegetation Shifts in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, San Francisco, California.
2015 Mauldin, Raymond P. and Cynthia M. Munoz
Stable Isotopes and Historic Period Diets at the Spanish Mission of San Juan Capistrano, Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas. Poster presented at the 48th Annual Society for Historical Archaeology Meetings, Seattle, Washington.
2014 Munoz, Cynthia M.
A Probable Casualty of the First Texas Revolution, the Gutierrez-Magee Expedition of 1812-1813. Paper presented at the July 2014 South Texas Archaeological Association Quarterly Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
2014 Mauldin, Raymond P., Cynthia M. Munoz, Robert J. Hard, Jennifer Z. Rice, and Kirsten Verostick
Stable Carbon (δ14C collagen, δ13C carbonate) and Nitrogen (δ15N) Isotopic Shifts in Central Texas Hunter-Gatherers over the last 7,000 years. Poster presented at the 79th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Austin, Texas.
2014 Jones, Ashley E., Robert J. Hard, Cynthia M. Munoz, Raymond P. Mauldin, and Maria Elisa Villalpando Canchola
Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis from La Playa, Sonora, Mexico. Poster presented at the 79th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Austin, Texas.
2014 Munoz, Cynthia M. and Raymond P. Mauldin
Stable Isotopes and Historic Period Diets at Mission San Juan, Bexar County, Texas. Paper presented at the 117st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Galveston, Texas.
2014 Mauldin, Raymond, Cynthia Munoz, Robert Hard, and Jennifer Rice
Patterns in Stable Carbon (δ13Ccollagen, δ13Ccarbonate) and Nitrogen (δ15N) Isotopes in Bone from Interments in Prehistoric Central Texas. Poster presented at the 117st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Galveston, Texas.
2013 Mauldin, Raymond and Cynthia M. Munoz
Macrophysical Climate Models and Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Subsistence Shifts in Central Texas, USA. Poster presented at the 46th Annual American Geophysical Union Meetings, San Francisco, California.
2013 Mauldin, Raymond, Cynthia M. Munoz, and Steven L. Black.
Young Bunnies and Old Wood: Reconsidering Chronology at the Hinojosa Site (41JW8). Poster presented at the 84th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Del Rio, Texas.
2013 Mauldin, Raymond, Robert Hard, Cynthia Munoz, and Jennifer Rice
Stable Carbon (δ14C collagen, δ13C carbonate) and Nitrogen (δ15N) Isotopes from Radiocarbon Dated Hunter-Gatherer Remains at Hitzfelder Cave, Texas. Poster presented at the 78th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
2013 Munoz, Cynthia and Raymond Mauldin
Deep Sands, Dense Sites, and Cool Water: Exploring Prehistoric Site Distributions on a Texas Army National Guard Facility Using GIS. Paper presented at the 78th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Honolulu, Hawaii.
2013 Munoz, Cynthia M., Jennifer L. Z. Rice, Kirsten Verostick, Robert J. Hard, and Raymond P. Mauldin
A Stable Isotope Analysis of Hunter-gatherers from Hitzfelder Cave, Texas. Paper presented at the 116st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Kerrville, Texas.
2013 Mauldin, Raymond, Cynthia Munoz, Robert Hard, Steven Lukefahr, and Stephen Smith
Bunny Tales: Using Stable Isotopes from Short-lived Leporids to Reconstruct Paleovegetation at Archaeological Sites. Paper presented at the 116st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Kerrville, Texas.
2012 Mauldin, Raymond, Cynthia M. Munoz, Leonard Kemp, and Robert Hard
Reconstructing Past Vegetation Types during the Late Holocene using Stable Carbon Isotopes of Leporids from Archaeological Sites in the American Southwest. Poster presented at the 45th Annual American Geophysical Union Meetings, San Francisco, California.
2012 Mauldin, Raymond, Leonard Kemp and Cynthia Munoz
Assessing Variation in Chert through Digital Photography. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Memphis, Tennessee.
2012 Munoz, Cynthia M. and Nathan DiVito
Observations on a Paleoindian Component on the San Antonio River at 41BX1888. Paper presented at the 77th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Memphis, Tennessee.
2012 Munoz, Cynthia M.
Exploring Early Archaic and Paleoindian Occupations at Archaeological Site 41BX1888 on the San Antonio River. Paper presented at the 115st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Alpine, Texas.
2012 Rice, Jennifer L. Zonker, Kirsten Verostick, Laura Carbajal, Cynthia Munoz, Nathanael Dollar, Robert J. Hard, and Raymond P. Mauldin
Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Analysis of Human Remains from the Coleman Site (41BX568), a Late Prehistoric Occupation in Central Texas. Paper presented at the 115st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Alpine, Texas.
2012 Verostick, Kirsten, Robert Hard, Cynthia Munoz and Raymond Mauldin
Reconstructing Seasonal Diet in the Lower Pecos using Stable Isotopes in Human Hair. Poster presented at the 115st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Alpine, Texas.
2012 Hard, Robert, John Roney, A.C. MacWilliams, Raymond Mauldin, Charles Smith, Lori Barkwill-Love, and Cynthia Munoz
Paleoenvironment and Archaic Period Archaeology in the Borderlands. Paper presented at the Annual Malpai Borderlands Group Science Conference, Douglas, Arizona.
2011 Paul, Debajyoti, Raymond Mauldin, and Cynthia Munoz
Inferences of Late Holocene Climate from Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Ratio Variability in Soil and Land Snail Shell from Archaeological Site 41KM69 in Texas, USA. Poster presented at the 44th Annual American Geophysical Union Meetings, San Francisco, California.
2011 Munoz, Cynthia, Leonard Kemp, Raymond Mauldin and Robert Hard
Reconstructing Paleoecological Conditions using Stable Isotopic Signatures of Modern and Prehistoric Leporid Bone Collagen from Far West Texas and Southern New Mexico. Paper presented at the 82th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Fort Worth, Texas.
2011 Munoz, Cynthia M. and Nathan DiVito
Preliminary Observations on a Possible Saint Mary’s Hall Component at 41BX1888. Paper presented at the 82th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Fort Worth, Texas.
2011 Kemp, Leonard, Cynthia Munoz, Raymond Mauldin and Robert Hard
Preliminary Results of Stable Carbon Isotopes of Modern and Prehistoric Leporid Bone Collagen from the Jornada Mogollon Region. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Jornada Mogollon Conference, El Paso, Texas.
2011 Munoz, Cynthia, Patricio Villaneuva and Raymond Mauldin
Exploring Diagenetic Alterations in Stable Isotopic Signatures in Bone Collagen. Poster presented at the 76th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Sacramento, California.
2011 Villaneuva, Patricio, Cynthia Munoz and Raymond Mauldin
Exploring Diagenetic Alteration in Stable Isotopic Signatures in Bone Collagen. Paper presented at the 114st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Austin, Texas.
2011 Smith, Steven, Robert Hard, Raymond Mauldin and Cynthia Munoz
Documenting Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Bone Collagen in Modern Leporids as a Guide to Past Environments. Paper presented at the 114st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Austin, Texas.
2011 Mauldin, Raymond, Antonia Figueroa and Cynthia Munoz
Exploring Chemical Indicators of the Use of the Land Snail Rabdotus as a Food Resource in Prehistoric Texas. Paper presented at the 114st Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Austin, Texas.
2010 Munoz, Cynthia, Steven Smith, and Raymond Mauldin
Canon Ranch Project: Exploring Burned Rock Middens Just West of the Pecos. Poster presented at the 81st Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Corpus Christi, Texas.
2010 Munoz, Cynthia M, Raymond Mauldin, Robert Hard, Steven Smith, and Patricio Villanueva
Reconstructing Fine-Grained Paleovegetation Shifts through Variation in Stable Carbon Isotopes of Leporids collected from Hunter-Gatherer Archaeological Sites in Central and South Texas. Poster presented at the 38th International Symposium on Archaeometry, Tampa, Florida.
2010 Munoz, Cynthia Moore, Steven Smith, Raymond Mauldin, and Robert Hard
Monitoring Fine-grained Paleovegetation Shifts through Variation in Stable Carbon Isotopes of Leporids Collected from Hunter-gatherer Sites. Poster presented at the 75th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, St. Louis, Missouri.
2010 Munoz, Cynthia, Raymond Mauldin, Lynn Wack, Stephen Smith, Kevin Daiber, Robert Hard, and Patrick Villanueva
Identifying Alterations in Bone Collagen: An Experimental Study of Color, Microscopic Morphology, and Carbon Isotopic Signatures of Modern Faunal Bone Heated at Controlled Temperatures. Paper presented at the 113th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Stephenville, Texas.
2010 Munoz, Cynthia, Raymond Mauldin, and Stephen Smith
Archaeology Just West of the Pecos: Exploring Plant Intensification through Patterns in Burned Rock Midden Radiocarbon Dates. Paper presented at the 113th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Stephenville, Texas.
2009 Munoz, Cynthia, Raymond Mauldin, Leonard Kemp, and Jason Perez
Assessing Chipped Stone Raw Material Variation through Digital Photography. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Del Rio, Texas.
2009 Mauldin, Raymond, Cynthia Munoz, Leonard Kemp, and Jason Perez
Chert Colors and Changing Mobility Organization in the Late Archaic and Late Prehistoric Periods in Central and South Texas. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Del Rio, Texas.
2009 Figueroa, Antonia, Cynthia Munoz, Bruce Moses, and Leonard Kemp
Archaeology and Archival Research Along the Salado Creek in Bexar County, Texas. Paper presented at the 80th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Del Rio, Texas.
2009 Mauldin, Raymond P., Jennifer Thompson, Cynthia Munoz, and Leonard Kemp
Hunter-Gatherer Resource Intensification and Changing Patterns of Fire-Cracked Rock Features in Central and South Texas. Poster presented at the 74th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia.
2009 Munoz, Cynthia Moore, Raymond P. Mauldin, Kristen MtJoy, and Marie Archambeault
Archaeological Site Monitoring, Protection and ARPA. Workshop presented at the National Environmental Workshop sponsored by the Army National Guard, Costa Mesa, California.
2009 Figueroa, Antonia, Cynthia Moore Munoz, Steve Smith, and Raymond P. Mauldin
Exploring the Impacts of Raw Material Availability and Size on Prehistoric Chipped Stone Assemblages in Central and South Texas. Paper presented at the 112th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Junction, Texas.
2009 Munoz, Cynthia Moore, Lynn Wack, Kevin Daiber, Olivia Short, and Patricio Villenueva
Paleoecological Reconstruction using Small Herbivores from Archaeological Sites. Paper presentated at the 112th Annual Meeting of the Texas Academy of Science, Junction, Texas.
2008 Munoz, Cynthia Moore, Leonard Kemp, Raymond P. Mauldin, and Robert Hard
Is There Gold in Them Thar Hares? Using Small Herbivores from Archaeological Sites in Paleoecological Reconstruction. Poster presented at the 79th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Lubbock, Texas.
2008 Thompson, Jennifer, Raymond P. Mauldin, and Cynthia Moore Munoz
Assessing Hearth Reuse Frequency through Patterning in Burned Rock Size. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Lubbock, Texas.
2008 Kemp, Leonard, Cynthia Moore Munoz, and Raymond P. Mauldin
Appropriate Scales and Bunny Tales: Using Small Herbivores from Archaeological Sites in Ecological Reconstruction. Paper presented at the 111th Annual Texas Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, Corpus Christi, Texas.
2007 Munoz, Cynthia Moore, and Leonard Kemp
Creating a Geospatial Data Management System for Archaeological Sites. Paper presented at the 72th Annual Society of American Archaeologists Meetings, Austin, Texas.
2006 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
Native American Adaptation on the Texas Coastal Plain: A Study of the Dentition from Thirteen Prehistoric and Historic Cemetery Sites. Paper presented at the South Texas Archaeological Association Annual Meetings, San Antonio, Texas.
2006 Hard, Robert J., Cynthia Munoz, and Anne Katzenberg
Frames of Reference and Aquatic Resource Use in Texas and North America. Poster Presented at the 71st Annual Society of American Archaeologists Annual Meetings, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2006 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
Native American Adaptation on the Texas Coastal Plain: A Study of the Dentition from Thirteen Prehistoric and Historic Cemetery Sites. Paper presented at the Hill Country Archaeological Association Meetings, Kerrville, Texas.
2005 Munoz, Cynthia Moore
Native American Adaptation on the Texas Coastal Plain: A Study of the Dentition from Thirteen Prehistoric and Historic Cemetery Sites. Paper presented at the 76th Annual Texas Archaeological Society Meetings, Austin, Texas.
2006 Award for best professional poster. Society of American Archaeologists Annual Meetings, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Register of Professional Archaeologists
Society for American Archaeology
Texas Archeology Society
Texas Academy of Sciences
The Society for Archaeological Sciences