
CAR publishes all reports from our archaeological surveys, excavations and archival research. Access to these reports is available on this website, or through UTSA Runner Research Press.

Over 650 CAR publications are available from 1974 through the present and include Archaeological Reports, Technical Reports, Special Reports, Choke Canyon Series, Guidebooks in Archaeology, Regional Studies, San Juan Bautista Studies, and the Colha [Belize] Series. These materials cover 81 counties in Texas, as well as parts of New Mexico, Louisiana, Mexico, and Belize.

Our complete downloadable publication lists are available for All CAR publicationsArchaeological ReportsTechnical ReportsSpecial Reports, and Other publications. These contain hyperlinks to each of the individual reports, or you may find the individual reports in the pages below. Publications by individual counties are now available.

Archaeological Research Project Reports

Archaeological Reports

Technical Reports 1-100

Technical Reports 101-200

Special Interest Reports

Guidebooks in Archaeology
Regional Studies
Special Reports