Affiliated initiatives and programs are ongoing and complimentary to the center’s mission and vision.  These initiatives’ leaders expressed interest in affiliating with our center and see connectivity to the interests served by their programs and the center’s projects.

  • Digital Storytelling

This project focuses on creating high-quality, public-facing digital storytelling media and facilitating related events and competitions that motivate the creation of digital artifacts. We believe that by fostering a UTSA Digital Storytelling Community, we can empower students, faculty, staff, and others to create, share, listen to, and engage with compelling digital stories.

Contact: Professor of Practice, Ryan McPherson,

  • Model United Nations

Model UN is an internationally recognized simulation activity that puts participants into the shoes of delegates facing global problems. Through experiential learning, participants learn more about the country they represent, the problems they discuss, as well as about themselves and how they can engage in negotiation, consensus-building, and decision-making. As such, Model UN is an exercise of dialogue, empathy, and leadership. The project overall aims to provide students with these and other crucial skills, and make them more aware of the world around them.

Contact: Associate Professor, Matthias Hofferberth, 

Model UN website:


  • Global Communication

Focuses on emerging new spaces and the need for dialogues; tackling global health challenges and disparities; climate change, food (in)security and sustainable agriculture through community-based action and communication; and role of communication and dialogue in global diplomacy. The project fosters dialogues, research partnerships, and co-learning among scholars, students, community groups, and non-profit organizations within the region, nation and the world (including global south).  Moreover, this project serves as a hub to showcase faculty research, collaboration and engagement; host symposia, workshops and conferences related to global communication; and organize study-abroad programs in the field of communication. 

Contact: Associate Professor, Shamshad Khan,

Affiliated Initiative Leaders