Structured Dialogue Events at UTSA
- Grind Culture (2024)
- Mental Health (2024)
- Language Politics (2024)
- Intergenerational Dialogue (2024)
- Dialogue Across Difference (2024)
- Democracy Dialogue (2024)
- Identities: Visible or Invisible? (2023)
- Intersections of Race and Gender, Past and Present (2023)
- Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Inclusive Spaces (2022)
- Media Representation of Gender (2022)
- Empowering your Wellness (2021)
- Belonging and Mattering at UTSA (2021)
- Moving Towards Antiracism at UTSA (2020)
- Body Beautiful: Health, Identities, and Bodies in Pop Culture (2019)
- Gender, Violence, and Bringing in the Bystander (2019)
- Let’s Talk for a Change (2018)
- Structured Dialogues around Identity and Difference (2017)
- Mental Health
- Racial Justice
- Dare to Listen: Dialogues around Culture, Identity, and Difference (Communication Week, 2017)
- UTSA Talks! The American Dream (2006)
- UTSA Talks! U.S.-Arab Communication and Misperceptions (UTSA Communication Week, 2006)
- UTSA Talks! Age, Race, and Gender in a Changing Society (UTSA Diversity Month, 2005)
Facilitation Training Events
- Dialogue & Deliberation Initiative with RowdyCorps (2024)
- UTSA Top Scholars program (2019 & 2024)
- White Antiracism Accountability Group (with Brandi Scott) (2020)
- UTSA Housing & Residential Life (2018)
Other Events
- Ribbon Cutting Celebration (2025)
- Team Trivia Night (2025)
- Post-Election Micro Dialogue (2024)
- Team Trivia Night (2024)
- International Day of Listening (2023)
- Listen to Heal (International Day of Listening event)(2023)
- Introduction to Intergroup Dialogue (with Myron Anderson), Inclusive Excellence Scholarship Program (2020)
- Hate Hurts: Can We Disagree Without Being Disagreeable? (with the Peace Center of San Antonio) (2019)
- Bridges: Dialogues around Immigration (with the Dialogue Institute of the Southwest) (2018)