New Microcredential Courses in COLFA DI projects will be posted when available.
Previous Courses:
Special Topics: Data Visualization (COM 4413/ENG 4953: Summer I, May 31-July 5, 2022; Hybrid (Tuesday and Thursday, 6-7:30 p.m. in MB 0.320; Online)
The COLFA Digital Initiatives received a grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The project team (Dr. Seok Kang, Dr. Sue Hum, and Ms. Kat Weigle) designed a data visualization course in the spring and scheduled a course for the summer of 2022. Instructed by Ms. Kat Weigle. Digital Initiatives offered COLFA students an internship program on data visualization in the Fall of 2022. Instructor bio is as follows.

Kat Weigle received her MA in English and a graduate certificate in Rhetoric and Composition from UTSA in 2018. Her research has focused on disability rhetoric and visual communication with special interests in m
edieval, gothic, and sci-fi literature and film. She's also a certified UX designer and is currently a UX writer at USAA. Kat Weigle will teach hands-on data visualization in COM 4413/ENG 4953, Special Topics: Data Visualization in Summer 2022. For more information, contact