
UTSA Wind Symphony

M/W/F 2:00-3:30 pm

The UTSA Wind Symphony is comprised of UTSA students who have achieved an extreme high level of musicianship and who perform some of the most challenging music composed for wind band.  Membership in this ensemble is open to all UTSA Students, regardless of major, who audition at the beginning of each semester.

The UTSA Wind Symphony is under the direction of Prof. Ron Ellis and maintains a vigorous performance schedule of 3 demanding concerts each semester as well as an ensemble tour when budgeting and schedule permits.


Ronald Ellis, M.A.


Ronald Ellis, M.M.

Associate Professor, Director of Bands



Auditioning for Concert Bands

For those interested in auditioning for concert bands (Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band) and orchestral winds, audition excerpts are located on the UTSA Bands website.