Global Health Humanities Symposium

October 21-23, 2024
Coates Chapel of the UTSA Southwest Campus

This symposium will bring together an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary group of health humanities scholars at different career stages (e.g., professors, graduate students, and undergraduate researchers), in addition to, we hope, local health professionals, who will share their work and help establish a wider, more interconnected community for the health humanities in San Antonio. 

Schedule of Events

Each day will tentatively begin with breakfast at 9am and end at 2:30. Breakfast will be followed by a keynote address from 9:30-10:30. Two panel sessions will then follow with breaks in between. This event will be catered (French breakfast; lunch; a reception on evening 1; as well as dinner at Club Giraud for keynotes and organizational committee on day 2). Day 3 will be dedicated to highlighting the work of students and their mentors. 

COLFA will offer an honorarium and cover all travel expenses for keynotes.

Symposium Program

Click here to view the 2024 Global Health Humanities Symposium Program

Register for the Conference

Reserve your place at the Global Health Humanities: Coalitions and Communities conference happening October 21-24, 2024 at Coates Chapel of the UTSA Southwest Campus. Registration is FREE for all participants!