Finishing Up!

Commencement PhotoYou made it! Before you being official, or unofficial celebrations, let's make sure you have everything in order.  Whether you are finishing up the B.A. in History or the M.A. in History, you need to make sure you have all the paperwork filled out so nothing stands in your way of walking the stage and starting the next chapter in your exciting future!.

"Working with the history faculty during my bachelors and masters programs prepared me well for doctoral studies and faculty life."  --  Dr. Erin Doran Ed. D.


Graduation and Commencement

An important part of graduation is the commencement ceremony.  You want to make sure you complete all requirements for graduation so you can participate in commencement and walk the stage.  We designed this page to provide you will all the information you need so the entire process is easy to navigate!



Making sure you have all coursework complete is important.  Scroll through this page for information on graduation and commencement including the official UTSA requirements for your degree to make sure you can walk at commencement, and we can celebrate with you!


B.A. in History Requirements     M.A. in History Requirements     Minor in History

Check in with your advisor to make sure you on track!  Undergrads check in your junior year, grads check in after 6 courses are complete!

The UGAR and GAR

Name of UGAR and GAR for History Department

Applying for Graduation!

Now that you've completed the coursework, you need to apply to graduate. Without an application for graduation, you will not graduate or walk at commencement.

Application Steps in ASAP checklist

Getting a Minor in History?  You need a different form.  Application to Graduate with a Minor

Application Deadlines

Application Deadlines

Application Deadlines

Make sure you don't miss your deadlines to apply to graduate!

Department End of Year Celebration