August 31, 2020

Interim Dean forms task force to identify COLFA’s greatest strengths and opportunities

Interim Dean Sean Kelly has launched a task force of 35 faculty, staff and students, to help the College of Liberal and Fine Arts identify its greatest strengths and opportunities. Most of the task force members are from the college, and the work will include research and outreach over the next three months.

Christine Martinez, an undergraduate Modern Language Studies major and Linguistics minor
August 26, 2020

Linguistic Student Wins Competition

Christine Martinez recently awarded third place in the 3M Ready, Set, Research Competition.

Dr. Whitney Chappell, Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at UTSA
August 26, 2020

Chappell Named Lutcher Brown Distinguished Professor

Dr. Whitney Chappell, Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at UTSA, has been chosen as one of UTSA’s Lutcher Brown Distinguished Professors for the 2020-2021 academic year.