Nov. 1 -  Nov. 12, 2021
Closing Reception: Friday November 12th 4-6pm

“stillness and longing” combines delicate meditations on public space with an analysis of the fragility and facade of support structures. It offers the viewer a moment of reflection on the quiet eeriness of sitting with stillness. The large scale, soft sculptures that portray public objects, hang quietly and gesturing strangely. These subtly intrusive sculptures are paired with quiet porcelain objects and rugs that speak to the existence of a digital body in contrast to a tactile reality. In this, presenting a visceralization of the movement between isolation, consumption and intimacy in a strange social landscape.

A walkthrough video of the exhibition can be found here.

This exhibition is free and open to the public.

Gallery Hours

Thursdays - Saturdays: 10 am until 3pm and by appointment.

Visitors to the gallery are strongly encouraged to follow policies regarding face coverings at UTSA found here.


If you have any questions about this exhibition, please contact

UTSA Main Art Gallery

Arts Building, 2.03.04

UTSA Main Campus

One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249.