Jennifer Ling Datchuk, Daniela Cavazos Madrigal, Anh-Thuy Nguyen
Curated by Libby Rowe and Scott Sherer 
January 22 – February 21, 2020
Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 22, 5 – 7pm

Changing Social Discourses, curated by Libby Rowe and Scott Sherer, presents the work of women artists who are compelled by their commitments to investigating and transforming social and cultural legacies and contexts. Jennifer Ling Datchuk’s (San Antonio) multi-media sculptures and installations reference domestic objects, the human body, and common cultural expressions in the full range of the beautiful to the crude.  Often exploring the legacies of her Chinese and Russian/Irish heritage, her work considers the lived experiences of diverse intersections of discourses of race and gender. Daniela Cavazos Madrigal’s (San Antonio) work reflects the vulnerability, uncertainty, and danger that characterize both individual and shared cultural experiences in the US/Mexico borderlands. Her work utilizes cast-off materials, embroidery, sewing and weaving to honor women’s work and women’s lives and to blur the lines between high and low art. In performance, new media, and installation, Anh-Thuy Nguyen (Tucson, Arizona) references her personal history as a Vietnamese immigrant to highlight the tensions between national origin and assimilation. Iconic imagery and singular performative acts draw attention to cultural foundations of individual subjectivity, whether real or perceived, steady or dynamic.

Image: Daniela Cavazos Madrigal, Los Arboles Que Vieron Todo, The Trees That Saw Everything, site-specific installation, 2019



Gallery hours are Tuesday-Friday, 10am – 4pm, Sat 1- 4pm, and by appointment; Closed Sun/Mon

Exhibitions are free and open to the public. Metered parking is available in the Ximenes Ave Garage. View the Parking Map. 

UTSA Main Art Gallery, Art Bldg, Room 2.03.04
Department of Art & Art History
One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249
Contact: or 210-458-4391