A Project by Mark Menjivar & Molly Sherman
June 6 - 15, 2018
Opening Reception: Wednesday, June 6, 5 - 7pm

From Here To There explores the diverse cultural, economic, and social activities found along Fredericksburg Road—one of the oldest corridors in San Antonio and a link between the downtown and 1604 UTSA campuses. The exhibition features objects, archival materials, photographs, and oral histories that have been selected and made in collaboration with community members ranging from musicians, salvagers, and mechanics to activists, healthcare workers, and DJs. A participatory publication documents each site and is made available for gallery visitors to assemble and take with them.


 Exhibitions are free and open to the public.

UTSA Art Gallery, Arts Building, 2.03.04 UTSA Main Campus, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249.

Summer Hours:

Monday - Friday 11am - 2pm
Saturday & Sunday closed.

Contact: art.events@utsa.edu  |  210-458-4391


View Exhibition Catalogue