Bryan P Bayles: Medical anthropology, culture theory, public health, qualitative methods, epigraphy. Mesoamerica, US Southwest
Bernadette Cap: Mesoamerica, Classic Maya, economic organization, marketplaces, remote sensing (satellite imagery and LiDAR data), soil chemical testing, spatial analysis using GIS, macro- and micro-artifact analysis, museum studies and curation
Richardson Gill: Archaeology, paleoclimatology, self-organization, Texas and Latin American history, range science and ecology
Donald V Kurtz: Political anthropology, anthropological theory, cultural analysis, social organization. Mesoamerica, South Asia
Jon C Lohse: Ancient Maya political and social organization, environmental archaeology
James H McDonald: Political and economic anthropology, political economy, agricultural development, applied anthropology, sociocultural change, organizational culture. Mexico, Guatemala, US
William L. Merrill : Curator of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution Interests: Ethnology. Mexico, North America
Molly Morgan: Mesoamerican Preclassic, household archaeology, environmental archaeology
Paula Pebsworth: Primate behavioral ecology, nutritional anthropology, geophagy, ethnoprimatology, chacma baboons, chimpanzees
Dorie Reents-Budet: Art and culture history; material culture, iconography and epigraphy; museum studies; archaeometry. Ancient Americas, Mesoamerica, Maya
Robin Robertson: Maya civilization ceramic analysis. Mesoamerica
John R Roney: Archaeology, early agriculture, ancient roads, settlement systems, Archaic, Chaco. American Southwest, Northern Mexico
Karen Stothert: Archaeology, culture and technology. Ecuador, Latin America. US Plains, Texas, Mesoamerica
Alexei Vranich: Archaeology, monumental architecture, complex society, urbanism, cultural heritage, Andes
Degree and certificate programs
Research Centers
in projects funded through 49 grants
Certificate Programs