Opportunities for Graduate Students

CPOR is eager to provide fellowship and employment opportunities for students enrolled or thinking about enrolling in UTSA's Political Science MA program. Check back here for news about opportunities, or contact CPOR's Director, Dr. Bryan Gervais at bryan.gervais@utsa.edu. For inquiries about the Political Science MA program specifically, contact Andrea Aleman at andrea.aleman@utsa.edu

Opportunities for Undergraduate Students

Student Interviewers

CPOR hires undergraduate UTSA students to conduct telephone interviews for research studies using a computer-assisted telephone interviewing system (CATI). Interviewers ask residents of San Antonio and Bexar Country questions about their attitudes and opinions regarding our community and the country. Interviewers must be bilingual in English and Spanish to be able to communicate with the community of San Antonio and Bexar County. If you are interested in becoming employed as a student interviewer, please fill out a brief application here.

If you have question about the interviewer position, please contact Arcaelia (RC) Alamo-Guzman at Aracelia.AlamoGuzman@utsa.edu or CPOR's Director, Dr. Bryan Gervais, at bryan.gervais@utsa.edu

Research Practicum

CPOR seeks motivated junior and senior political science majors to enroll in its experiential learning Research Practicum program for the Spring 2025 semester. Students participating in the Research Practicum gain valuable and practical research experience and earn 3 hours of course credit for their work. The practicum course (POL 4983) will count as an upper division political science elective in your program of study.

While there is no set class time, practicum students will be expected to meet with CPOR Director Dr. Bryan Gervais and/or senior CPOR personnel on a weekly basis, be responsive to email, and meet project deadlines. Research practicum students will have access to CPOR office space.

The number of hours dedicated to the Practicum per week will fluctuate but expect anywhere from 2 to 10. Responsibilities may include assisting with the design of surveys, testing of survey instruments, analysis of public opinion data, authorship of survey reports, promoting CPOR findings, among other tasks.

If you are interested in the practicum, please send Dr. Gervais (bryan.gervais@utsa.edu) a copy of a cv/resume (which should include major and overall GPA) and brief statement explaining why you would like to complete the Practicum. The deadline to apply for the Spring 2025 semester is November 15th, 2024.


Contact us:

  •   Office Location
  •   Multidisciplinary Studies (MS) Building 3.02.49
  •   1 UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX 78249
  •   210-458-5644
UTSA Center for Public Opinon Research