The Graduate Certificate in Translation and Interpreting Studies, is a 15-hour option in Spanish graduate studies which introduces students to the theory and practice of translation (written) and interpreting (oral) between Spanish and English. Offerings include training in translation and interpreting studies theory, cultural competency, ethics, the practice of language mediation in various settings, and current best practices.

Entrance and Exit Requirements

In addition to meeting University-wide admission requirements either as a special graduate student or a degree-seeking student in a graduate program, all prospective students who are not already admitted to the M.A. in Spanish must pass a written entrance examination in Spanish and English to determine linguistic competence and general cultural preparation.

Entrance- and exit-level skills in both languages will be no lower than Level 3 and Level 4, respectively, according to the U.S. Government’s Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) Skill Level Descriptions for Translation Performance.

Program Requirements

The Graduate Certificate in Translation and Interpreting Studies consists of 15 semester credit hours including an introduction to theory and practice and the meta-language of translation studies. Courses in Spanish linguistics strengthen the interdisciplinary underpinnings of the Certificate, and the practicum, TIS 6013 Practicum in Translation, provides training in and reinforcement of written and/or oral translation skills by means of a translation case study, a supervised internship, or a service learning project. A maximum of one grade of "C" shall be applicable toward coursework for the Certificate in Spanish Translation Studies.

Students must complete the following requirements

A. 9 semester credit hours from the following:

  • TIS 5043 Principles of Translation and Interpreting
  • TIS 5013 Interpreting in Legal Settings
  • TIS 5023 Interpreting in Medical Settings
  • TIS 5123 Theory and Practice of Translation or Interpreting
  • TIS 5973 Topics in Translation and Interpreting Studies

B. 3 semester credit hours from the following:

  • SPN 5023 Writing and Editing in Spanish
  • LNG 5143 Forensic Linguistics
  • SPN 5843 History of the Spanish Language
  • SPN 5863 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology
  • SPN 5853 Spanish of the United States
  • SPN 5883 Spanish Morphology and Syntax
  • SPN 5893 Spanish Dialects
  • SPN 5903 Topics in Hispanic Linguistics

C. Practicum in Translation

  • TIS 6013 Practicum in Translation

Students will take the Practicum during their last semester of enrollment in the Certificate Program. In consultation with the instructor, they will select an area of interest and define a task within that area. Project translation work will normally be exclusively into the student’s dominant language.

Total hours: 15

For More Information

Melissa Wallace


Melissa Wallace

Associate Professor

Modern Languages and Literatures

UTSA Roadrunner Statue

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