James Mcdonald, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Communication

James Mcdonald


Dr. McDonald received his bachelor’s degree in Communication and Political Science from the Université de Montréal, his master’s degree in Communication from the Université de Montréal, and his doctoral degree Communication from the University of Colorado Boulder. He joined the faculty at UTSA in 2013.

Dr. McDonald is an organizational communication scholar. His work has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Communication TheoryCommunication Monographs; Management Communication Quarterly; the Journal of Applied Communication ResearchManagement LearningGender, Work and Organization; and the Journal of Management Inquiry. He is also co-editor of Movements in Organizational Communication Research (Routledge, 2019).

Dr. McDonald is an award-winning teacher and received the UTSA President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching Excellence in 2024. He is strongly committed to fostering an engaging learning environment that enables students to develop strong critical thinking skills and be independent thinkers.




  • COM 3070 | Conduct of Communication Inquiry
  • COM 3083 | Language and Communication Theory
  • COM 3893 | Organizational Communication
  • COM 4813 | Theory and Practice of Social Interaction
  • COM 5003 | Introduction to Graduate Studies
  • COM 5013 | Communication Theory
  • COM 5033 | Qualitative Research Methods
  • COM 5403 | Organizational Communication
  • COM 5413 | Special Topics in Organizational Communication

Research Interests

  • Organizational communication
  • identity and difference
  • disclosure and closeting processes
  • qualitative research methods


  • Ph.D. in Organizational Communication, University of Colorado Boulder (2013)
  • M.Sc. in Organizational Communication, Université de Montréal (2008)
  • B.Sc. in Communication and Political Science, Université de Montréal (2006)

Honors and Awards

Grants, Patents and Clinical Trials
