Kristy Masten, Ph.D.

Professor of Instruction, Assistant Director, Art History, MA Graduate Advisor of Record, Art and Art History

Kristy Masten



Kristy received her MA in Art History in 2008 and her PhD in Interdisciplinary Learning & Teaching in 2020 from UTSA. She has been teaching survey art history courses for over 15 years and now teaches upper-level courses exploring Picturebooks and Spanish Art History. Her research interests are diverse and span specific content areas within art history, such as late medieval liturgical furnishing from Catalonia and Aragon, as well as the critical teaching of art history, using non-traditional materials such as picturebooks, and within informal environments, such as museums and gallery spaces.

Publications include:

• Masten, K. (2022 – upcoming). Reclaiming indigenous security: Responding to narco-violence in Cheran, Mexico. In S. Buran, M. Aksehir, B. Agir, & N. Koroglu (Eds.), Shades of violence: Multidisciplinary reflections on violence in literature, culture and arts.

• Masten, K., Mobley-Sellers, T., Sailors, M., Pickett, P., Siller, M., Garcia-Alvarado, S., Johnson, P., & Whitlock, T. (2019). The first all-digital library space: The effectiveness of BiblioTech’s services for urban youth. The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 9(2), 1-21.

• Horowitz, R. & Masten, K. (2017). The art museum: A site for developing second language and academic discourse processes. In A. Wager, V. Poey, & B. Berriz (Eds.), Art as voice: Creating access for emergent bilingual learners, a special edition of the Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice, 9(1), 149-168.


  • Contemporary Art
  • Introduction to the Visual Arts
  • Survey of Art & Architecture (Prehistory - 1350)
  • Survey of Art & Architecture (1350-1750)
  • Survey of Modern Art (1750-Present)

Research Interests

  • Educational contexts for teaching art history
  • Critical analysis of art history curriculum
  • Spanish art history
  • Picturebooks as art objects


  • Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Learning & Teaching, The University of Texas at San Antonio (2020);
  • M.A. in Art History, The University of Texas at San Antonio (2008);
  • B.A. in Art History, Arizona State University (2004);
  • B.S. in Justice Systems, Truman State University (2001)


Horowitz, R. & Masten, K. (2017). The art museum: A site for developing second language and academic discourse processes. Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism, and Practice, Special Issue, 9(1), 149-168.

Masten, K., Mobley-Sellers, T., Sailors, M., Pickett, A., Siller, M., Garcia-Alvarado, S., Johnson, P., Whitlock, T. (2019). The first all-digital library space: The effectiveness of BiblioTech’s services for urban youth. The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults, 9(2), 1-21.

Masten, K. (upcoming 2023). Reclaiming Indigenous security: Responding to violence in
Cherán, Mexico. In S. Buran, M. Akşehir, B. Ağır, & N. Köroğlu (Eds.), Shades of Violence: Multidisciplinary Reflections on Violence in Literature, Culture and Arts. London, UK: Transnational Press London Publishing.