When is it required?

Which events/items can be included on the same form?

  • The form allows up to 3 events to be included on the same form.
  • Purchases/payments related to the same event (Ex: catering, dry cleaning, decorations)
  • Multiple meals for the same activity (candidate breakfast/lunch/dinner)
  • Do not include on the same BEF form: multiple unrelated events

What goes in “ Other ” ?

  • Service fees
  • Tablecloths
  • Non-consumables
  • Flowers
  • Decorations
  • Club memberships
  • Sponsorships

Examples of Business Purpose:

  • Donor cultivation
    • Lunch/dinner with ___________to cultivate relationship and encourage UTSA patronage.
    • Lunch/dinner with ___________to   discuss capital campaign and   encourage UTSA patronage.
    • Lunch/dinner with ___________to discuss   support of [Athletics division].
    • Lunch/dinner with ___________to discuss support of [specific UTSA initiative].
  • Business meals   (employee only)
    • Lunch/dinner   to discuss   ___________.
  • Employee appreciation
    • Holiday reception to celebrate employee excellence, contribution to university and improve employee relations.
  • Event/gift   to recognize employee excellence and service to the university.

Who needs to sign?

  • Event Host/Individual Certifying Payment (Requestor)
  • Department Manter (Approver)
  • See   BEF Quick Reference Policy Chart   for what additional signatures may be required

Backup documentation

  • Receipts
  • List of participants   with affiliation to UTSA
  • Agenda if applicable
  • Justification for over the per person limit (VP)
Lead Photo Example

July 10, 2024

Dr. Catherine Clinton Features on History Podcast

Howdy Roadrunners, are you looking for a history related listen this afternoon? Well we have you covered! Run on over and listen to the latest episode of the “America: A History” podcast hosted by Liam Heffernan featuring our very own professor of American history, Dr. Catherine Clinton!

Catherine Clinton Featured with IPPH

July 3, 2024

The Institute of Politics Policy and History Presents "In The Room with Dr. Catherine Clinton," The Lincoln Series

Dr. Catherine Clinton, Denman Chair of American History at the University of Texas at San Antonio and The Institute of Politics Policy and History.

Joe Steussy (former director of the Division of Music) and Alan Craven (former director of the Division of English, Classics and Philosophy) put the finishing touches on the UTSA Alma Mater in January of 1982.

May 30, 2024

Celebrating 50 years of musical excellence: The School of Music at UTSA

This year, UTSA celebrates the 50th anniversary of its School of Music, a milestone that honors its long-standing legacy and influence in music in higher education.