Posted on November 22, 2022 by Michelle Gaitan and Eunice Rodriguez

UTSA music students are temporarily exchanging their spots on stage for on-screen roles in a first-of-its-kind collaboration.

NOVEMBER 22, 2023 — UTSA music students are temporarily exchanging their spots on stage for on-screen roles in a first-of-its-kind collaboration. Chamber opera students from the university’s School of Music and students in the Film and Media Studies Program partnered to create a short film called Soul of Word

The 10-minute film is based on an original short opera written by music faculty and staff and performed by music students, who play the main characters in the film. The film students’ adaptation of the opera is scheduled to make its premiere at the Film and Media Studies end of semester screening Wednesday, November 29, at the Santikos Entertainment Palladium. 

The opera explores the importance of language, specifically how the words we understand and utilize can make a person feel connected or disconnected to their cultural heritage. The storyline explores three different relationships: a Mexican family experiencing a language barrier; two Romanian friends disagreeing about the role the church plays in their lives; and a couple interpreting various paintings at a museum. 


Read more at UTSA TODAY here. 

— Michelle Gaitan and Eunice Rodriguez