Posted on September 8, 2022 by Nick Ward

The UTSA College of Liberal and Fine Arts (COLFA) has launched a new Student Success Center to enhance support services for students across the college. The center will combine the already successful programming in the college to provide an effective, one-stop resource center to help COLFA students achieve their academic, personal and professional goals.

JANUARY 18, 2023 — The UTSA College of Liberal and Fine Arts (COLFA) has launched a new Student Success Center to enhance support services for students across the college. The center will combine the already successful programming in the college to provide an effective, one-stop resource center to help COLFA students achieve their academic, personal and professional goals.

“This new space, together with the diverse programming that it will house, stands as a testament to the value we place in the success of each and every COLFA student,” said Glenn Martinez, dean of the College of Liberal and Fine Arts. “We want every COLFA student who walks in or by this space to sense our deep commitment to their individual academic and personal success.”

As part of UTSA’s new Academic Success District, the COLFA Student Success Center will offer tutoring, professional development workshops, experiential learning programs, leadership and academic programs, as well as career services for undergraduate and graduate students.


-Read more at UTSA TODAY

— Nick Ward
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