Posted on April 27, 2021 by COLFA
For their efforts, Hyjek and Martinez received official participation certificates, transcripts, and of course an awesome T-shirt, not to mention significantly approved ability with the Japanese language
What would it be like to attend two universities full time at the same time? Could you do it? How about if these two universities were on opposite sides of the planet. Well that´s exactly what UTSA Japanese students, Anna Hyjek and Eric Martinez, pulled off this past February, participating in a virtual study abroad program at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies in Japan while attending UTSA classes at the same time.
Hyjek and Martinez maintained a grueling schedule attending UTSA by day while studying at Kyoto University from 8 p.m. every evening until three in the morning, Monday through Friday. Both students worked alongside UTSA professor Mimi Yu who served as an unofficial liaison helping student navigate the virtual halls and classrooms of the Japanese university. UTSA and KUFS have exchanged students for over a decade and UTSA students have regularly studied abroad in Kyoto under professor Yu´s direction.
For their efforts, Hyjek and Martinez received official participation certificates, transcripts, and of course an awesome T-shirt, not to mention significantly approved ability with the Japanese language. Both students are also featured in KUFS's recent promotional video viewable here:
KUFS will run a similar virtual program this July and UTSA students are beginning to line up. What will you be doing this July at 3:00 AM?