Posted on November 23, 2020 by COLFA
Model United Nations Society @ UTSA
The annual conference was a two-day event held virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions on Friday, November 13th, and Saturday, November 14th, 2020. This year’s conference was attended by over 45 students from Baylor University, West Texas A&M, and the University of Texas at San Antonio. Guest speakers included Ms. Susan Sloan, Digital Communications Strategist & Author of A Seat at the Table: Women, Diplomacy, and Lessons for the World and Ambassador James F. Creagan, former US Ambassador to Honduras and the Eugene Scassa Visiting Professor in International Diplomacy at St. Mary’s University.
The conference was downsized from the traditional four committees to two committees to enhance the virtual experience, including the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The goal of Model United Nations is to give students a fully immersive experience as they step up as delegates for various nations, such as China, France, and Indonesia, in either the UNSC or the UNHRC. This allows students to put their theories of world politics into practice and experience what negotiation at the UN feels like. After country assignments, each student conducted research to prepare their positions and arguments in order to advance their respective country’s interests in alignment with the real-world UN process.
This year’s UNSC topics included the Yemeni Civil War and the persecution of ethnic minorities. Topics for the UNHRC involved child trafficking and the human rights of migrants and refugees. Each committee held two days of virtual discussion on their respective topics, and delegates worked together to draft and pass several United Nations Resolutions. In the UNHRC, councilmembers successfully passed four Resolutions, a monumental feat and testament to the dedication of the students throughout the Model UN process. In the UNSC, delegates passed three Resolutions, again displaying the dedication of students towards international affairs and sustainable cooperation on the world stage.
Model United Nations gives students the ability to experience the process of international policymaking and diplomacy firsthand as well as develop critical skills, ultimately preparing them for careers in government and foreign service as well as a variety of other industries and sectors. Planning has already started for the Fall 2021 Alamo Model United Nations Conference, which may be either in-person or virtual, depending on the impending circumstances. If you would like to learn more about Model UN or would like to be involved with the UTSA Model UN Society, please contact us at visit our website at