Department Chair, Professor, History
Spring 2025 Office Hours: Thursdays from 1pm - 2pm
Wing Chung Ng is a cultural and social historian who specializes on Chinese migration and traditional Chinese opera. At UTSA he offers courses on Chinese and Japanese history, and the Chinese diaspora. His principal publications include The Chinese in Vancouver, 1945-80: The Pursuit of Identity and Power (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999) and The Rise of Cantonese Opera (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press and Hong Kong: HKU Press, 2015; a Chinese edition 粵劇的興起:二次大戰前省港與海外舞台 was published by Chung Hwa Book in 2019). He has been involved in the compilation of the Hong Kong volumes of Annals of Chinese Opera (中國戲曲志:香港卷) and Anthology of Chinese Opera Music (中國戲曲音樂集成:香港卷). He is currently working on a centennial biography of Master Wong Toa 黃滔 (1914-2015) to study his life and music unfolding in early 20th century South China, Cold War Hong Kong, post-exclusion era Chinatown Vancouver, multicultural Canada, through the age of China's rise. Ng was a Commonwealth Scholar at the University of British Columbia and a resident fellow at the National Humanities Center. His research has been supported by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Most recently, he was a Fulbright Scholar at the Hong Kong Baptist University.