Professor, Communication
Dr. Christopher Hajek completed his B.A. in Organizational Communication at Loyola University of Chicago, his M.A. in Management Communication at the University of Hawaii, and his Ph.D. in Communication from the University of California, Santa Barbara. His current research is grounded in intergroup business communication. He also has conducted research across various other intergroup contexts. Dr. Hajek is particularly intrigued by groups in which membership can be insecure. His interest in intergroup issues stem, in part, from his past work for CNN and The Associated Press in Rome, and his Peace Corps teaching experience in Rwanda. His research and teaching also have been influenced by his experience as a trained mediator in community-based alternative dispute resolution.
Dr. Hajek has published 39 scholarly articles and book chapters. His sole-authored research on entrepreneurial identity has been published in Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research and the Journal of Language and Social Psychology. His international, lead-authored research in the professional context of police officer communication, has been published in the Chinese Journal of Communication, Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, and the Russian Journal of Communication. His co-authored work in this professional context has been published in the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, the Armenian Review, the Mongolian Journal of International Affairs, and others. He also has been the lead or co-author on four book chapters in this research arena. His lead- and co-authored research in the professional context of physician communication has appeared in Communication Research Reports and the Journal of Health Psychology.
His sole-authored articles in other intergroup contexts (e.g., aging and sexual orientation) have been published in the British Journal of Social Psychology, Health Communication, the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Communication Quarterly, Language & Communication, the Journal of Language and Social Psychology, the Handbook of Intergroup Communication, and the Oxford Encyclopedia of Intergroup Communication. He has been lead-author on additional studies published in the Journal of Communication, Communication Research Reports, Language & Communication, and chapters published in Intergroup Communication: Multiple Perspectives, and the Handbook of Communication and Social Interaction Skills. Dr. Hajek also has presented numerous competitive papers at national and international conferences.
Prior to joining the faculty at UTSA, Dr. Hajek had taught courses at The University of California, Los Angeles; the University of California, Santa Barbara; The University of Hawaii; and the Keller Graduate School of Management in Chicago.
Hajek, C. (in press). Entrepreneurs’ positive social identity development through initiated intra- and intergroup (non)accommodative communication. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly.
Hajek, C. (2023). Entrepreneurs have what it takes: Positively-distinct entrepreneurial social identity as realized during intra- and intergroup conversations. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29, 2, 459-476. DOI 10.1108/IJEBR-09-2021-0685
Hajek, C. (2021). Entrepreneurial social identity management through language use. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 40, 4, 524-534. DOI: 10.1177/0261927X211019079