Sherri Baker, M.A.

Assistant Professor of Practice, Class Piano, Music

Sherri Baker, M.A.


Ms. Baker has a Master's Degree in Music Education from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville and a Bachelor of Music Education from the same school. She has twenty years of teaching experience in a variety of venues. Ms. Baker served as Music Coordinator at a private elementary school, taught piano students in a university preparatory program, and has taught class piano in college and university settings for seventeen years.

Through her affiliation with the Illinois State Music Teachers’ Association, Ms. Baker judged leveled exams annually. Since moving to San Antonio in 2006, she has adjudicated in area competitions, including the J. K. Hodges Competition. Ms. Baker began teaching at the University of Texas San Antonio in 2007 and is an active member of the San Antonio Music Teachers Association.


  • B.M., M.M., Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Honors and Awards


Grants, Patents and Clinical Trials
